Big Night Out
Saturday, 21 November 2009

It's been a big week and Jon and I have been up to midnight every night working on stuff and cakes respectively so it was a bit of a happy co-incidence that Zali and Jett were invited to the cousin's house for a sleep over. With the entire night ahead of us, the first thing we did after dropping them off was something we reckoned we hadn't done for years, possibly even up to 4 years. Nope, not snowboarding, or sailing, or romantically strolling along the beach (um.. In fact I can't actually remember ever doing that). If you look at the far left photo you'll see - we went the supermarket! - as a couple! - with no kids! It was very exciting and led to some crazy impulse purchases of muesli, and an organic eggplant. Also we loitered around the icecream section and browsed in the 'personal care' aisle. It was wild. Then back at home after a refreshing beverage (midori and lemonade - photo 2), Jon whipped up a delicious thai stirfry and we settled down to watch our DVD. The fantastic meal was followed by some delicious choc-orange mousse (my dish of choice if I was suddenly placed onto the masterchef kitchen). Yum.
Black and White
Sunday, 8 November 2009
This was a pretty cool cake from the weekend.
Technology problems
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Just a quick update to let you know that my regular blog updating computer has died. I'd be more stressed about it if I hadn't seen the signs and rescued all my photos and Cakewoman stuff off it before it went. Instead it's kind of a nice break from a very loud whirring fan that sounded like a plane taking off, only drowned out by the noise the kids fighting over who gets to play Moshi Monsters on it next. Now the kids are both computer savvy it turns out it's not such a great thing to have the computer in the kitchen !
Mum is a Make Caker
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Recently at school, Zali and her classmates were asked to write down their mummy and daddy's 'out-of-home' jobs. Zali was pretty good with me - I'm officially a Make Caker, or maybe a Cakey Muker, in anycase we get the general idea. Jon on the other hand 'used to be a doctor' according to Zali. Given Jon's history that's kind of hilarious. I can understand there being some confustion for Zali given Jon sometimes works at an office, and sometimes from home - However I'm fairly sure that he wasn't operating some sort of day surgery practise from either of those places.. It's funny that Zali said 'used to be' - therefore leaving it up to the reader's imagination as to what sort of malpractice suit was filed against him resulting in him being struck off the Medical Register (ooh - perhaps for practising out of the games room in a rather unqualified capacity). So in fact maybe Zali is actually completely right and the joke is on me (and his former patients).
The Blues
Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Sorry about the delay between posts- I've had technical issues with my cameras but I've now removed the memory stick from the camera which is working but doesn't seem to have a usb cord, and placed it into the camera which isn't working but can connect ok to the computer. Easy huh. I'm dissapointed about my broken camera as it seems Freycinet (a.k.a. the Bermuda Triangle of Photography) has broken another of my cameras as it is now twice that a camera (of previous good health) has stopped working on a Freycinet holiday. It's less than a year old but I bet I can't find the receipt anywhere. Oh well. Anyway - back to the blues - last week was a blue themed week for cakes! I recon if I had access to good postal services I could probably open an online cake store specialising in nothing but AFL cakes and spanking figurines!
Stripey Cupcakes
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Her are some cute stipey cupcakes I made for a girls 6th birthday. Well according to the order it was her 6th birthday but when I delivered them the girl came to the door covered in badges which said 'I am 5!' So unless I came a day early I think my order instructions were wrong. Luckily I hadn't used the '6' theme too much! Now you'll notice the slightly different style of cup cake wrapper. These look nice but they aren't that practical - firstly there's more volume of cake required as they are taller, so it's the wrong ratio of icing-to-cake, and secondly they get really greasy as they bake so you have to put them in another one to present them which of course doubles the amount you need and they are more expensive. So a thumbs down from me.
Jett's Boat Trip
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Instead of a regular party this year we took Jett on a ferry trip with his sister and two cousins, then we had a party-ish (junk food and cupcakes) picnic in a park afterwards. He loved it. Along the way Jon and I learnt a few things about the history of the harbour which I am sure we will forget and re-learn next time we go.
T-Shirt crazy
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Cake and cupcakes for a 21st birthday person who loves t-shirts apparently. I hope they got the fact that the 21 on the shirt was ripped and raggedy to represent current fashion - as opposed to me making a mess of it.
Christening Cake
Friday, 31 July 2009
And this was toddler Jamie's christening cake from last weekend. It was a start-to-finish-cake-in-a-day effort so I'm pretty happy with it. In other news I've finally updated my mobile phone message to say I'm not taking any new orders. I was getting left so many messages I was feeling stressed every time I so much as looked at my mobile phone. I'm happy to take email orders though as it's so much easier than finding time in the day to make phone calls.
Cupcakes Take 2
Friday, 31 July 2009
This is what happens if you don't burn your cupcakes to charcoal, then you spend the evening icing them. I think the birthday boy will be more satisfied with this effort.
Birthday Cupcakes Take 1
Friday, 31 July 2009
This is what happens if you put cupcakes in the oven and then forget about them while you watch The Amazing Race following by a reality program that lowers the bar so much that I wont even try to explain the concept.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
This week I've been experimenting with some mini cupcakes and what I am discovering is that they are gooooood...
leaf cupcake x 200
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Today I took the day off regular work so I could ice and box up the 200 cupcakes I made for the Australian Turfgrass Conference Dinner.
happy birthday to me!
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Thank you for my sms and email birthday messages! I celebrated the day by going to work, having some delicious cake at mum and dad's afterwards (baked and decorated by the kids and Jon), following that with some hot chips, then I settled down to bake 100 of the 200 cupcakes I need for an order on Thursday!
Some sporty cakes
Saturday, 4 July 2009

Not surprisingly it's been pointed out that I haven't been updating my blog lately so here are a few cakes to go on with.. The soccer player is my nephew Miley who is having a 7th birthday party tomorrow - it looks a little home-made as we opted to use regular butter icing on it as kids like it more I recon. The orange cupcakes are jaffa flavour and I was trying to achieve the extreme yumminess of some I tried on my recent trip to melbourne. I recon my cake is nicer but I can't get close on the icing - does anyone have an orange icing recipe that's really orangey and doesn't have butter in it? The Essendon cupcakes were for my brother-in-law.