It's not you, it's me. and my sport Part II
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
The task of uncovering sports which were more daggy than orienteering was challenging and arduous. It took us two full evenings (interspersed with a swim at Fitzroy Pool and dinner at a very cool place on some cool street that was so popular we had to wait half an hour in the almost-as-cool bar next door before we could get a table) and numerous texts, however we are happy to reveal that we have had some success.
Before we begin to expose these sports we must mention some criteria - it's not just the fact that it's an obscure sport that makes a sport daggy - cliff diving for example is quite obscure, but not daggy. It's a combination of things which may include but is not limited to: unpopularity, subjective scoring, dorky uniforms or equipment and complicated rules and just plain ridiculousness. As I've discussed previously, orienteering is blessed with a wealth of daggy attributes making it quite hard to beat.
It's also important to point out that I don't think any of these sports mentioned below are not worthy & fulfilling sports. Just like orienteering they all require a specific combination of skill, endurance, speed, strength, intellect etc etc in order to do them well. I love all sports (except maybe sport shooting & golf). Good on anyone for playing anything I recon.
So. Back to it - Clare and I decided that sports gained street cred (i.e. non-daggy-points) by being an olympic sport. they also gained street cred if they gave you an enviable body - for example Clare discovered a competition sport called 'street workout' which has some street cred despite the fact that it is really just competitive monkey-bars, because the track suitted participants had very very strong looking bodies.
We decided that you automatically lose street cred (or gain daggy points) if your sport is subjectively judged, or you were required to wear make-up or sequins during competition - Including waterproof make-up or sequins -(hello synchronised swimming).
Weapons add to your sport's street cred - which is good for sports like wood chopping. When testing for dagginess I imagined conversations that a 10year old version of myself would have had with classmates describing the sport - at the very mention of razor-sharp axe, my classmates would have gasped in awe. You don't get that reaction when you mention you need a razor sharp mind (and a compass ) to compete at orienteering.
The other criteria was that the sport must be something you can do in Australia. Ideally you'd be able to join a local club but at the very least it would be possible to train and compete individually. This ruled out a great many obscure Russian sports which we found and other localised events like bog snorkelling and cheese rolling.
I also must reveal that the list of sports that are contested at the World Games (the non-olympic sports equivalent of the olympic games) proved to be quite a handy reference. Here happened to find two of my favourite sports (orienteering of course, and ultimate frisbee) as well as plenty of other candidates for worlds daggiest sport.
So. The results.. Well our mission was to find ten sports which were daggier than orienteering. Unfortunately we only found two that I think are certainly MORE daggy. We did however find a number of sports which are at least AS daggy, so let's start with them..
Sports that are as at least as daggy as orienteering (in vague order of dagginess) :(apologies to all those I have borrowed images from without asking)
- Fin Swimming

- Underwater Hockey

- Competitive Kettle Ball check it out
- Race Walking (note they were only saved from being MORE daggy than orienteering by virtue of being an Olympic sport)

- Irish Dancing (funny outfits, wigs, funny zombie-esk dancing)

- Baton Twirling

- Marching Band

- Surf Kayaking

- Canoe Polo

- Competitive Aerobics
- Trampolining (yes I know it's an olympic sport but most people associate it with backyard trampolines and sit-drops) - it just doesn't have the status of gymnastics
- Synchronised anything - yes we're looking at you Synchronised diving, swimming, skydiving..and in anycase every man, woman and child in North Korea would be probably be better at it than we are: check it out
- Remote control anything racing (cars, boats, planes..)
- Street Workout / Calisthetics
And the winners of the prestigious This-Sport-Is-Definitely-More-Daggy-Than-Orienteering award? You'll have to wait until tomorrow..